Never ever just abandon your property.
If you just stop paying the rent and disappear and make no attempt to contact your landlord that is considered abandoning the property and it is considered to be a very very very bad thing to do and if you do it you cannot expect to rent again on RenterBall.
So you wish to end your tenancy and rent a new property on RenterBall.
If your current and new Landlord are both using RenterBall then we suggest you do the following steps for a smooth move.
- Ensure you do not have any debt feedback and if you do arrange with your Landlord to deal with the debt.
- If your new household is made up of different adults then you need a new Tenant Page to reflect the changes.
- Or update your current Tenant Page household information to reflect your up-to-date status.
- Contact your current Landlord and give adequate notice as per your tenancy agreement.
- Send a Request Feedback Notice to your Landlord which asks for feedback.
- Your landlord has 5 days from receiving a Request Feedback Notice to leave feedback or on day 6 the system automatically leaves a “No Comment” feedback.
- With no debt feedback you have 35 day to apply on new properties and sign a new RenterBall agreement.
- Apply on new properties on RenterBall.
- Meet the new Landlords and show them your Driving Licence as you did before.
- When your new Landlord wants to rent to you, sign the new RenterBall agreement within 35 days of getting feedback on your old one
Just to point out
Your current Landlord will be able to see where you have moved to as long as he has kept the agreement active or you have debt feedback or are on a payment plan.
The Landlord will be able to see all the updates to your RenterBall profile/tenant page
Once an agreement has been marked as historic and you don’t have any outstanding debts with that landlord then they will no longer be able to see any new activity on your account, they will be given a time snapshot as at the moment it became historic.