To get the most use out of RenterBall, we recommend you sign up your current tenants
Without this, your current tenants have less encouragement to behave
1. File a Claim on your Tenants
Pop on to RenterBall and under your Landlord Page, Your Tenants, File a Claim page
A claim consists of a pre-filled-out RenterBall agreement
When you File a Claim on your tenants you’re not declaring if they were good or bad, you are only declaring that they are or have been your tenant and a few basic details about their tenancy agreement, namely the
- Property address
- Start date and the original Rental amount
- Tenants – National Insurance number (NI number)
- Tenants – Date of Birth
If you do not know this information, you will need to ask your tenant for it because without it, you are unable to file a claim and your tenant will be able to get away scot-free if the tenancy goes bad
2. Instruct your tenant about RenterBall
Contact your tenant and inform them they have a waiting RenterBall agreement to sign
The easiest way to do this is by posting your tenant our template letter explaining to them what they need to do and any consequences for not doing it
Template letter link click here
Feel free to customise it
We feel that tenants need motivation so we highly recommend you give your tenant a deadline to complete RenterBall
3. Your tenant logs in to RenterBall
They complete their profile and upon having their account verified by RenterBall they are sent an email telling them of any claims filed against them
They are restricted from applying on rental properties advertised on RenterBall until they have signed the claim or successfully contested the legitimacy of the claim
4. RenterBall Agreement becomes Active
Upon the tenant signing the claim it becomes an Active RenterBall Agreement, you will be sent an email saying you have a new active RenterBall agreement and that you are now able to leave feedback on your tenant
It costs £1 per month to keep a RenterBall Agreement active (payable from the 1st of the following month)
RenterBall has found the general behaviour of RenterBall tenants is noticeably better than those tenants that have not signed one